David Roche and Marlena Blavin have presented the live version of Love At Second Sight to more than 100 schools across the U.S. and Canada. In response to popular demand, they have now created a 25-minute video for use in middle and high school classrooms and assemblies. Learn more about our team below.
"Having a facial difference has taught me a valuable life lesson because I was forced to find my inner beauty. My passion is to share my experiences and inspire people, especially kids, to appreciate what is unique in themselves and others."
David is an inspirational humorist, motivational speaker and performer who has transformed the challenges and gifts of living with a facial difference into a compelling message that uplifts and delights audiences around the world. What really makes David unique, however, is his remarkable spirit, warmth, wit and authenticity. He presents keynote speeches, entertainment and storytelling workshops at conferences for associations, corporations, non-profit, educational and disability organizations.
He has performed his signature one-man show, The Church of 80% Sincerity (also the title of this first book!) across the U.S. and Canada, and in England, New Zealand, Australia and Russia. David has appeared at the White House and headlined at Olympics Arts Festivals in Sydney and Vancouver.
David has been featured in four films, including Shameless, a feature-length documentary by Bonnie Sherr Klein from the National Film Board of Canada, and was profiled by Paula Zahn on CNN. Anne Lamott's bestseller, Plan B, includes a chapter about David. www.davidroche.com
"Being married to David, I have learned how important it is to encourage people to look beyond the surface and to not make judgments and assumptions about others based on appearance."
Marlena had a thriving private practice as a massage therapist and nutritional counselor when she and David married in 1996. Connected to the world of personal storytelling through David, Marlena jumped right in. Although shy by nature, she discovered a natural gift for speaking and storytelling. And it wasn’t long before she was performing as a founding member of the Circle of Women storytelling group.
Marlena began to tell the inspiring story about how she met David and moved beyond her first negative reaction. The response was so positive that she and David co-created Love at Second Sight.
With 35 years experience as a massage therapist, Marlena uses a variety of hands-on healing modalities to bring comfort and relief to her clients. She heads the Gentle Touch program for her local hospice on the Sunshine Coast in British Columbia, and is a certified practitioner of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and the Anat Baniel Method based on the work of Dr. Moishe Feldenkrais. Previously, Marlena co-founded the first massage therapy program in a hospital in the United States at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. www.marlenablavin.com